The Justice Department announced September execution dates for two more people on Federal Death Row in what would be the sixth and seventh federal executions this summer after a 17-year hiatus.
New Executions scheduled:
William LeCroy – September 22
Christopher Vialva – September 24
Executions already scheduled:
Lezmond Mitchell – August 26
Keith Nelson – August 28
Executions carried out under the federal death penalty this year:
Daniel Lewis – July 13
Wesley Purkey – July 15
Dustin Honken – July 17
Every execution, whether state or federal, is a blatant political stunt to appear “tough on crime” without doing the hard work to prevent violent crime or help crime victims and their families in real and immediate ways.
Call or write your U.S. Senator and your Member of Congress.
Urge them to end the use of the federal death penalty.
Sign the Action Network petition Tell Congress to Abolish the Death Penalty sponsored by Death Penalty Action.
Local State Attorneys decide who will face Florida’s death penalty. The pipeline to Florida’s Execution Chamber starts here. For the past 18 months, Florida has led the nation in the number of new death sentences. Please visit the FADP State Attorney Action Page and make your voice and your vote count.
Be safe and healthy, one and all.